Today I took VCAP - DCA 5.5 exam. And I passed :)
So now I'm officially:
Few thoughts about this exam, maybe someone will find it usefull:
- Many people already mentioned that. Time is your worst enemy. I wasn't able to do few questions, because time ran out.
- Because of that, don't spend too much time on one question. Do whatever you can and move along.
- Pay attention to question and required servers you're supposed to work on.
- Expect typos in naming, questions. Be intelligent.
- There is no option to "mark" question for review at the end. So if you want to read questions from beggining of the exam, be ready to click "previous","previous","previous"... It takes time, which you don't have. So either remember things you have to do or write it down.
- Yeah, it's slow... connection I mean, don't freak out if you'll loose connection for a short while (happened to me).
Generally, if you have an experience you'll pass it. Just watch this timer....